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How The Business Operates

The company is in the process of moving from being strictly run as a sole trader enterprise into a limited company. During this transition period the business will be operating solely in the greater London area Monday to Saturday. Other areas of the country will be considered for business depending on job size. At Mind The Gap Fire Doors, Steve does not believe in the mark your own homework business model popular with some organisations where the client feels obligated to use their remediation service to ensure compliant fire doors although it must be recognized each client has their own particular list of requirements and many one stop shops do offer a first class service. Should a customer request fire door maintenance Steve is a qualified carpenter joiner with a serious understanding of accepted repair techniques and is always happy to enter into discussions with any responsible person who has a need for remediation. It should be stressed however the main objectives during our upgrade from sole trader to limited company is to continue producing quality fire door reports for our clients.

QR Codes

QR codes have become very popular over the last 5 years particularly when conducting jobs involving a large number of assets. They enable easy identification and documentation which allows for quick access to all the information regarding the doors condition & inspection history. This benefits both the company and the client.

Maintain Or Replace

Fire doors are always going to require maintenance, repairing and regular inspections, particularly in high traffic areas. Nothing lasts forever however and there comes a time when replacement becomes the best option. This can be the most important decision an inspector will make as it is crucial in regards to both safety and finance.It really would be lovely if every job the inspector went to had bespoke new 3rd party certificated door sets all impeccably installed but on most jobs this simply is not the case. Older buildings in particular is where a quality inspector really proves his worth.An inspector needs to have an understanding of accepted repair techniques and when they can be applied. Without this perfectly safe doors could end up being replaced and money needlessly wasted. 
So what might a door or door set look like that would indicate replacement was the sensible option. 
Damaged beyond repair is usually warping of either the door or frame, water damage both of which will cause closing issues, exposed core through damaged veneer or laminate. The door may also have multiple issues with several of its components. When this arises the time it takes to remediate has to be balanced with the cost of a new door set and installation. 
When it comes to cost that is also dependent on many factors. The size and material of the door and how much work is needed for a new installation all contribute to the total bill. This then needs to be balanced with the fact a new door set, properly installed will last longer than a repaired door which saves money in the long run. 
Ultimately the fire door inspector can only give his professional opinion on the best way forward and hopes the client chooses wisely. The inspector should however always make a point of following up in regards to corrective actions. Regular communication needs to be maintained.